In The News

Home Equity LendingIn The News

New ICE Integration Lets Homeowners Proactively Initiate Home Equity Loan Request, Perform Self-Guided Property Valuation

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc., a launched a new integration between Servicing Digital, the company’s web- and mobile-native consumer engagement app, and its Validate property valuation tool. The integration gives servicers’ customers a current estimate of how much tappable equity they have in their homes, and the ability to proactively complete a self-guided valuation of their property.

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In The NewsLOS Trends

Blue Sage Solutions Digital Lending Platform Becomes First LOS To Fully Integrate Fannie Mae’s Income Calculator 

Blue Sage is the first loan origination system (LOS) to fully integrate Fannie Mae’s Income Calculator. This API-enabled integration, directly initiated from the LOS, streamlines income calculation for borrowers with income from self-employment or business ownership, enabling faster, more accurate mortgage approvals for lenders. 

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In The NewsIntegration

Integration Brings Enterprise-Grade Digital Signature Capabilities To Users

SIGNiX, a provider of digital signatures and remote online notarization solutions, launched a new integration with Integra Software Systems, expanding its partnership with TruStage Compliance Solutions. With this integration, financial institutions using Integra’s EPIC platform for mortgage, consumer, and commercial lending can now access TruStage Digital Signatures from SIGNiX directly within their loan origination workflow, creating a secure, end-to-end platform that enhances data protection while potentially saving financial institutions thousands of hours annually.

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In The NewsMarket Insight

New Data Reveals Housing Markets Most At Risk Of Decline

ATTOM released its latest Special Housing Risk Report spotlighting county-level housing markets around the United States that are more or less vulnerable to declines, based on home affordability, equity and other measures in the third quarter of 2024. The report shows that California, New Jersey and Illinois once again had high concentrations of the most-at-risk markets in the country, with parts of Florida also joining that mix. Less-vulnerable markets continued to be clustered in the South region of the nation.

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