The Best Way To Succeed In Lending Today
Too often executives in mortgage lending are looking outward for a new this or that to succeed, but the best strategy is not to look outward. You need to first take a look at yourself and what you are doing proactively to deliver results.
In the article “Leadership from the Inside Out” written by Ryan Estis, he says, “Everything is a choice. Look closely inside of you. If you see a behavior that you do not like, be different from that. Be your own role model. No matter what anyone does, see it as an opportunity, learn from it and use it for your own good. Love, light and gratitude.”
Seven years ago, that message greeted Ryan on the doorstep of the cabin he would call home for the next eight days. He decided to hit pause and take a very close look inside of himself. He was anxiously anticipating what that introspection might reveal. Ryan became disconnected from negative patterns of thought and behaviors on an emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual level to make significant positive changes in my life.
We should all embark on a journey of self-study and inner work that continues to shape our perspective, relationships, and body of work. Increasingly, that is precisely the work that’s required to cultivate the self-awareness and self-confidence required to lead high-performing teams today in a very challenging mortgage market.
Don’t start with why. Start with yourself.
Looking inward requires you to examine yourself in an effort to truly know, trust and love yourself and ultimately cultivate the self-awareness, humility and growth mindset needed to lead effectively today in the service of others.
Here are three steps to consider as you embark on your own journey of self-discovery:
>>Create structure: Stories create your structure. Structure informs your belief system. Look inside to discover your truth. What is your story? What is true? Living your truth is loving yourself.
>>Define your vision: Who do you want to become? Decide and commit. Write it down. Think about this quote from Carl Jung: “Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakens.”
>>Develop practices, routines, and rituals: Growth is a process, not an event. Resilience comes from doing the work. Solidify your inward reflection with new habits. If you want the results to change, start with your routines, rituals, and habits.
This week, hit pause and reflect. Look inside you. Establish your own process and enlist the support you need to become the best version of you. That is the very best gift you can give to others and how you can succeed in our industry now.

Michael Hammond is the founder and president of NexLevel Advisors. NexLevel provides solutions in business development, strategic selling, marketing, public relations and social media. A seasoned technology executive, Michael brings close to two decades of leadership, management, marketing, sales and technical product and services experience. His expertise spans start-ups to multi-billion dollar corporations, running businesses, business units, marketing, sales, strategy and product and services organizations. Michael brings exceptional insight, leadership, passion, and strategies that create profitability.