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Innovations In Co-Marketing Help Lenders Rise To The Top In A Crowded Purchase Market

With rates inching up, all eyes are turning to the purchase market. The pressure is on to rekindle Realtor relationships that may have cooled during a year of enforced social distancing that kept loan officers home and plentiful refi opportunities that kept them busy. Fortunately, Realtors who feel rebuffed may be willing to let bygones be bygones; with housing inventory at an all-time low, the National Association of Realtors says its membership count actually exceeds the number of homes for sale. So as much as lenders need Realtors, Realtors need lenders, too — making now the perfect time for lenders to lock in loyalty by demonstrating all the ways they can provide value to referral partners.

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In The News

Mortgage Lenders Tweak Their Marketing Strategies In Response To Fannie Mae’s Revised Forecast

Changes in the market are becoming undeniable. Just yesterday, Fannie Mae’s Economic and Strategic Research Group pulled back significantly on its purchase forecast for Q3 and Q4, citing inflation risk and a historic housing shortage that’s been exacerbated by building supply chain disruptions. While the news isn’t all bad — Fannie Mae actually revised its refinance forecast upward — mortgage lenders everywhere are saddling up for what’s sure to be a fiercely competitive second half of the year.

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